Hi! My name is Réka. I'm 22 years old girlie from Hungary. This is my coding journey.

Even when I was little I knew I wanted to do something creative, but I didn't know coding was a thing or something I could do for a living 😅 But computers amazed me as a kid so I sat by a computer a lot. Played games most of the time 🎮

Before high school I thought a lot about wheter or not I should study computer science or not. Back then everyone told me and I also believed that I need to be good at math and be really smart to code. So I didn't choose that path then. It was only after high school that I made the decidion.

When I finnally set my foot on the STEM girlie path is when I went to a 2 year university course. I didn't study any programming before so the beginning was rough, because most of my classmates already had experiance from high school or even had a previous intership or student job related to tech. I struggled with my mental health a lot too 🌧️

But I didn't give up! I had to retake a couple of classes and exams, but I'm at the finish line. The final semester of my uni course 😎

Where I am now? I'm at my first tech internship. With a little help I got an internship at the webdevelopment department at a bigger company.

Feel free to check out my Github page or my portfolio website if you wanna know more about the projects I've done so far 🤗